Welcome to the course! Here's what we will be doing today...
Class Discussion:
- Course information
- Background on urbanization, modernity and representation.
- Barbara Mennel, "Modernity and the City Film: Berlin," in Cities and Cinema (Routledge: 2008).
- Excerpts from the Lumiére Brothers' short films (1895-1897); King Vidor, The Crowd (1928); Woody Allen, Manhattan (1979)
- Fritz Lang, Metropolis (1927)
- Lewis Mumford, "What is a City?"
- Raymond Williams, excerpts from The Country and the City.
- Kevin Lynch, The Image of the City, Chapter 1.
- Erik Lyle, "The Hunt's Donuts Story," On the Lower Frequencies: A Secret History of the City, pp. 81-101 (for a different take on 'visualizing' a city).